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Achieved PCI DSS Certification for its payment gateway- SSLCOMMERZ

SSLCOMMERZ Online Payment Gateway has been certified as Level 1 Service Provider as per Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS v3.2), the highest industry rating a business can attain for payment data security. The announcement was formally made by the SISA Information Security on November 15, 2017.

This certification reflects a longstanding culture of discipline and compliance at Software Shop Limited (SSL Wireless) with regard to data security, it reflects the entire team’s relentless focus on ensuring that all of their company’s technical and behavioral practices are in line with the most rigorous industry standards.

The Level 1 compliance designation follows an independent audit conducted by SISA Information Security, a PCI-certified Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) company. In summarizing its onsite assessments, the QSA determined that SSL Wireless “has demonstrated full compliance with the PCI DSS (v3.2).”

The PCI DSS standards were created to ensure the security of credit card transactions and protect cardholders against fraud and misuse of private, personal information. The standards were designed and are maintained by the PCI Security Standards Council, whose founding members are American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard, and Visa Inc.

The PCI DSS Level 1 certification will enable SSLCOMMERZ to launch the first-ever locally made and certified Card-On-File platform in the country. Any type of e-commerce payment, or subscription-based recurring payments, or bill payments, such a utility bill, school fees, mobile recharge, etc. can be executed without needing to enter the card details every time. This will bring greater convenience for the consumers who can complete an online transaction within seconds. It will also facilitate the development of new, more powerful technology products in the Payment card industry to help merchants grow their businesses and engage with their customers better with less time and effort.

SSLCOMMERZ has received numerous awards and recognition from the trade bodies and govt. for its continuous contribution to the Payment industry since its launch. The platform has also been awarded the Payment Systems Operator (PSO) license by Bangladesh Bank. Recently, SSLCOMMERZ has won the championship award at BASIS National ICT Awards 2017 in the Financial Industry Application category and it has been nominated in the APICTA Award 2017 in the same category.

The mission of SSL Wireless is to build technology that helps entrepreneurs and businesses get a real advantage in an increasingly competitive environment. SSL Wireless takes this responsibility very seriously, and they are delighted that their ongoing efforts to maintain the highest level of data security have been recognized with PCI DSS Level 1 compliance.