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SSLCOMMERZ gets ‘Excellence in MasterCard Online Acquiring Business’ award

MasterCard recognized the country’s largest payment gateway SSLCOMMERZ for proving excellence in the online acquiring of business.

The United States-based financial service provider made the announcement at the marking of the 28th year of operation in Bangladesh recently on Tuesday.

SSL Wireless Chief Operating Officer & Director Ashish Chakraborty received the award at MasterCard Payment Summit at InterContinental Dhaka.

The payment solution firm awarded SSLCOMMERZ with the ‘Excellence in MasterCard Online Acquiring Business’ for the company’s performance in the fiscal year of 2018-19.

Among others, Md. Ashadul Islam, Honorable Senior Secretary, Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Ahmed Jamal, Honorable Deputy Governor, Bangladesh Bank, JoAnne Wagner, Charge d’ Affairs, US Embassy to Bangladesh, Syed Mohammad Kamal, Country Manager, Mastercard Bangladesh were present on the occasion.

In the program, MasterCard officials shared the experience of the Bangladesh market in the last 28 years as well as expanding business operations through the Dhaka office for the last six years.